A long and winding road led ARIANA SAVALAS from attending a Catholic convent school, to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art studying Shakespeare in London, to gaining international fame as a renowned host and showgirl.
Her cabaret stardom reigns round the world, having emceed and performed for the top theaters in history, including DITA VON TEESE, CRAZY HORSE PARIS, and Baz Luhrmann's FAENA THEATER.
She’s traveled the world on tour, from Vienna to Singapore, headlining for thousands in legendary venues such as RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL, THE GREEK THEATER, THE 02 and THEPALLADIUM in London, and the LAS VEGAS STRIP.
As one of the founding members of vintage phenomenon, POSTMODERN JUKEBOX, her performances have garnered hundreds of millions of views online and repeatedly reached #1 on the iTunes charts.
In end of 2024, find Ariana guest starring at the world renowned CRAZY HORSE PARIS.